You came here looking for sage wisdom and droplets of advice on a panoply of subjects? This is REALLLY not the right place for that.
Hello, my name’s Chris, and – along with my friend Chris (yes, we’re different people) we hate EVERYTHING. Nothing, but nothing, is sacrosanct when we feel the urge to vent, so read on at your peril. That said, for those who enjoy a smattering of schadenfreude with their breakfast, read on at your leisure. (Other people might want to close their eyes at bits of this site – and hey, it’s not my problem. If you don’t like it, go complain to somebody else.)
This site is most certainly NOT safe for work, but Work can screw off, right?
NB: One Chris’ grasp of spelling and grammar is a little better than the other’s. However, the grumpies cannot be criticised at any point for lapses in SPAG – so if you do not like this, please leave the pool in an orderly fashion and take your rubber ring with you (before we find and put a nail through it).